Join Emerald Coast Garden Railway Club
ECGRC members enjoy running their own trains on the Jordan Lot layout. Members have full access to the lot and can run trains on the weekends when we are open to the public or any other time they wish to drop by and play trains. Club meetings are held the second Saturday of each month.
Members of ECGRC must also be members of West Florida Railroad Museum. Dues for both organizations are due at the beginning of each calendar year. WFRM dues are $30 for a family membership and ECGRC dues are $36 for a family membership per year. ECGRC dues may be prorated if you initially join later in the year.
Checks for both organizations may be sent to the same address. However, as they are two separate organizations with their own financial systems, separate checks should be written. However, both check may be mailed to the same location. Membership forms for both organizations are included below.
Mailing address:
PO Box 770
Milton, FL 32572